Fitness Total Body Workout


Stay Active Total Body Workout

Total body workout encompasses the whole body focussing on cardio exercises designed to improve cardiovascular function boosting your physical performance combined with fitness exercises that can tone your muscles. Regular physical activity plays an important role in maintaining optimal weight preventing disease. People who are inactive often develop cardiovascular complications, diabetes, obesity, and other poor health conditions often leading to sedentary lifestyles.  Regular exercise provides enormous benefits for the body to boost physical performance while burning off calories to maintain weight. Exercising at a local gym gives you access to free training, equipment, and classes designed to customize your fitness plan suited to your needs.  Exercise has many benefits including improving overall health, increasing physical endurance, strength helping you stay active during your lifetime.  Home gyms are increasing these days used as a convenient way for people to workout any time of day provides people with the space they need to exercise in 2022.

Many types of exercises that can be performed regularly to boost metabolism burn off fat used as a total body workout. Abdominal core exercises are designed to tone the abs, improve balance, stability in all physical activities.  Workout using abdominal exercises to strengthen and train your muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony increasing good posture for better physical fitness performance.  Improve postural balance using several core workouts designed to enhance abdominal muscle strength and flexibility performed a few times per week to achieve noticeable results. Bodyweight exercises enhance flexibility, full range of motion increasing strength, power, endurance performing a series of yoga poses on a mat can benefit the entire body. Other types of bodyweight exercises can strengthen the upper extremities, arms, chest, abdominals, hips, legs, and thighs. Wall push ups can strengthen your chest, arms, trapezius triangular muscles extending over the back of the neck, and shoulders.

Perform wall push-ups standing with your feet hip-distance apart.  Stand 2 feet away from a secure wall with your hands placed at shoulder level on the wall. Lean forward then push back to the standing position for each pushup. Perform 10-20 repetitions per set 3 times per week.  Wall pushups are generally easier to perform compared to traditional pushups performed on matt yielding the same results. Squats are a strength training exercise that trains the lower hips from a standing position. perform squats 30 repetitions per set 3 times per week.

Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which tendons and muscles are deliberately extended to stretch and flex in order to increase muscular flexibility.  Stretching benefits the entire body increasing the metabolism to burn calories more effectively while building lean muscle mass burning off fat. Studies indicate stretching on a regular basis can reduce risks to injuries due to improved muscular function, increased flexibility, and a full range of motion. Stretching is typically used by athletes, patients in rehabilitation, and older adults who want to gain strength, flexibility, and muscular stability. Yoga is a total body workout used to tone your entire body with a 30-60 minute yoga workout as a low-impact exercise program increasing full range of motion in joints building lean muscles, burning off unwanted body fat. Yoga benefits reduce stress, relax the body-mind while strengthening muscles, gaining flexibility, and burning off body fat for managing weight successfully.

Yoga disciplines is an ancient complex practice established in Indian philosophy that began as a spiritual practice has developed into a popular form of exercise. Improve your workout routine helping you lose weight, boosts the metabolism to burn off calories effectively with each routine losing body fat. Routines can be found in different durations. from 10 minutes to 60 minutes long varying in length of time and difficulty of poses.  Studies indicate people who practice regular yoga exercises showed increased physical and mental improvements in social behaviors. Large muscle groups develop performing yoga hips, legs, and thighs toning the entire body managing weight effectively stretching each muscle group optimize your workout using progressive yoga stretches designed to increase the metabolism and burn off body fat. Yoga is a total body workout designed to strengthen the entire body increasing physical fitness.

Calisthenics Total body workout at a local gym can be beneficial for the body, toning each muscle group using weights promotes weight loss with each session.  Most gyms offer 2 free training sessions with a certified instructor who can evaluate your fitness levels assessing your personal goals. Due to covid-19 people are taking extra precautions during this time following State and local guidelines to ensure public safety. Workout routines at the gym can substantially help you lose weight building lean muscle while losing body fat.  Workout 3-4 times each week every other day on all resistance equipment performing 20-30 repetitions for each exercise according to your fitness level to maximize your results.  Your body will burn calories 24 hours per day even when your workout routine is complete. If you are unable to get to a gym, hand weights can be used at home to tone your entire body performing key exercises targeting each muscle group.

Perform each exercise 20-30 repetitions per set 3 to 4 times per week using weights suited to your fitness level from one pound weight up to 10 pound weights or higher. Perform squats, lunges, bench press, bicep curl, triceps kickback, shoulder press, standing abdominal crunch. Core twist and oblique Side Plank Dips to workout the entire abdominal area with weights Some of the equipment is designed for calisthenic training offered to the public for free.

Regular cardio fitness is a total body workout optimizing physical endurance proven to have enormous benefits for the body improving mood, reducing stress, and lowing the incidence of depression. Aerobic conditioning can be achieved through cardiovascular exercises including walking, running, cycling, aerobics and swimming.  Exercising at lower extremities will improve aerobic conditioning walking 30-60 minutes per day burning calories with increased physical activity. Conditioning the heart during aerobic activities is beneficial ensuring blood travels throughout the body providing oxygen and nutrients to muscles ultimately increasing physical fitness. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be performed by adults of all ages to increase cardiovascular, pulmonary efficiency of the heart and lungs fitness is a total body workout. Increasing physical activities including brisk walking is important for weight control because it helps the body burn off calories effectively. Walking once per day for 30 -60 minutes is a total body workout.

Depending on your weight and the speed of walking you can expect to burn off between 147 to 556 calories per hour depending on the route you choose.  Workout walking once per day can have an enormous impact benefiting overall health.  Participating in regular fitness activities has been proven to reduce body weight while improving physical health. Jogging for 10 minutes at moderate speed can burn off approximately 100 calories.

Exercise has become popular in recent years as 42.13 million people in the United States participated in hiking in the great outdoors between 2006-2017 to increase fitness.  Hiking moderately uphill is a total body workout helping you burn off twice as many calories compared to walking on flat surfaces.  Hiking outdoors is usually physically more demanding on the body depending on the terrain and length of time performing the activity.  Hiking uphill burns off 5 times more calories compared to walking in a flat area. A leisurely hike can burn off 300-600 calories per hour depending on a person’s weight and terrain of choice including cross country, steep uphill climbs, or downhill trails.  A person who weighs 150 pounds hiking at 2.5 miles per hour brisk pace for 60 minutes with no backpack will burn off approximately 351 calories.  In comparison, the same person carrying a backpack weighing 20 pounds hiking for 60 minutes at an increased speed of 3 mph will burn off 464 calories at a 4 percent incline exercise outdoors. Perform a total body workout using any activity that improves and maintains physical fitness increasing strength while burning off fat. Exercise is typically performed for various reasons for a total body workout including increasing physical fitness to maintain overall wellness. 

The best method used to strengthen the core area focus on tightening the transverse abdominis the deepest abdominal muscle you can feel contracting while exercising. The American Council of Exercise tightening your abdominal muscle to protect your spine is the most effective ab exercise to tone and strengthen.  Perform a variety of core exercises to optimize your total body workout strengthening your abdominal area 5-6 times per week.  Sitting in an upright position pull the abdomen back toward the spine hold the position for 5 seconds and release.  Repeat the exercise for 20-30 repetitions 4 times per week while sitting in a chair or watching tv to strengthen core muscles. Several core exercises can be performed for beginners or advanced levels to target core muscle groups including trunk rotations, reverse crunches, and Glute Bridge to tone the abs, but hips and thighs used as part of your fitness routine.  Perform calisthenics using your body weight to tone muscles including pushups, squats, core exercises for any abs routines.  Bicycle crunches engage your ab muscles and are excellent for building core strength, toning your thighs for a total body workout.

Core muscles support your pelvis, Lumbar lower spine, hips, and abdomen working in harmonious functions to strengthen and stabilize the body during work or daily activities. Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that depends on the aerobic energy-generating process including any type of exercise performed at a moderate to intense level for longer periods of time maintaining heart rate. Combine regular exercise toning arms, shoulders, core abdomen, hips, legs, and thighs with regular aerobic exercise to maximize your fitness results. Workout using aerobic activities of high or low-intensity levels to strengthen the heart muscle to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce resting heart rate.  Aerobic conditioning is a process where the heart and lungs are trained to pump blood efficiently delivering oxygenated blood to organs and muscles.  Fitness experts agree to toning the entire body using any aerobic activity including walking, jogging, cycling can have a positive impact on personal health combined with strength training is a great total body workout.


Patricia Lynn

About Patricia Lynn 179 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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