Amazing Strength Training Exercises


Strength Training Benefits

Strength training is a national obsession as people of all ages enjoy working out using various exercises designed to tone their entire bodies. Strength training exercise routines can be customized suited to personal specifications varying in length of time for 30-60 minutes in duration. Exercise anytime on your own schedule at home following a workout routine that includes a vast array of exercises designed to build lean muscle defining the tone of your body. Strength training tones the entire body, building lean muscle to help you lose weight. Increase endurance, improve balance, increase flexibility building muscle burns off calories 24 hours per day even when your workout is finished making resistance training the number one exercise to perform.

Most gyms across the U.S. offer resistance training along with a wide variety of exercise equipment to workout on due to the pandemic in 2021 many gyms may be closed taking extra precautions to ensure public safety. physical exercise is any bodily activity that enhances maintaining physical fitness while improving overall health. High intensity interval training HIIT is a form of interval training performed as a cardiovascular strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise combined with less intense exercise increases resting metabolic rate (RMR) ultimately burning off more calories than lower intensity exercises. Strength training benefits the entire body building lean muscle while losing body fat.

Before you go to any gym call ahead of time to request if they are open for business, taking reservations and what precautions need to be taken in advance. Gyms are a great place to workout in using equipment designed to tone specific muscle groups along with a variety of cardio equipment including elliptical trainers, treadmills, stationary bikes provide an intense workout for the fitness enthusiast. Workout routines can also be performed at home using a mat to exercise on including hand weights to strengthen muscle honing athletic skills while maintaining weight. Workout equipment can be found online and at local retailers near you.

Strength training benefits the cardiovascular system benefits entire body used as an aerobic exercise to condition the heart and lungs during a workout.  Walking once per day for 30-60 minutes can boost physical performance while burning off more calories. Walking can dramatically improve overall health as a type of cardiovascular conditioning, a process where the heart, lungs are trained to pump blood more efficiently allowing more oxygen to be delivered to organs and muscles. Half of Americans living in the United States 117 million adults have one or more preventable chronic disease including 80 percent of individuals fail to meet key exercise guidelines. Walking once per day is optimal for managing weight, effectively walking at moderate speed for one hour seven days per week can help you burn off 1,575 to 2,555 calories per week to lose weight. Walking is an effective strength training exercise used to benefit the entire body converting food into energy, burn off calories, lose weight used as a low-impact exercise. Walk once per day for 30 to 60 minutes at moderate speed to dramatically improve your health and tone your entire body. 

Strength training Tips

  • Perform each strength training exercise 20-30 repetitions
  • Workout 3-4 times per week
  • Customize your workout suited to your fitness level
  • Warm-up 5 minutes before exercising
  • Lose weight effectively strength training
  • Define muscle tone using hand weights

Strength Training Equipment

Cardio equipment varies in functionally geared to the beginner to advance levels often providing workout routines that build on fitness progression intensifying the workout in intervals. Physical fitness exercises boost endurance, improving overall health benefiting the entire body.  Cardio equipment can be purchased online or at your local sports retailer including elliptical equipment, stepper, freestyle cycle, stationary bike, treadmill all designed for cardiovascular strength training. Using cardio equipment will strengthen the entire body increasing physical energy.

Progressive resistance training serves to maintain muscle mass elevates metabolism potentially burning off calories even when your workout is finished. Strength training exercises typically tone the entire body using hand weights to build lean muscle in the shoulders, arms, abdominals, hips, glutes, and legs. Dumbbells are a type of free weights a piece of equipment used in strength training used as a pair or individually. Bodyweight squats are done with no weight or barbell often performed at higher repetitions per set than other variants. Dumbells are available online or at your local sports center varying in weight from one pound up to 25 pounds. Free weights are available in sets or can be purchased as one pair.  When strength training it is important to use the right weight for your fitness level. As people progress slightly increase the free weight to intensify the workout. 

Strength Training Exercises

Use free weights at home to perform a total body workout including warm-up, 20 shoulder press, 20 biceps curl, 20 triceps curl, 20 abdominal crunch, 20 squats, 20 standing abdominal twists.  Perform a standing abdominal twist holding a 10-pound medicine ball in front of your abdomen.  Twist to the left then twist to the right 20-30 times to tone your abs.  Perform each exercise 20-30 repetitions during each strength training session 3-4 times per week to tone your body. Building lean muscle is the best way to lose body fat even when your workout is complete.

Core strength training exercises can train the muscles in the lower back, hips, pelvis, and abdominal areas. Perform abdominal bent leg raise lay on a matt flat on your back with a slight bend at the knee, hands at your side. The movement begins lifting your feet off the mat and bringing the knees into your abdomen as an abdominal crunch. Lower the feet back to the matt.  Repeat bent leg raise 20-30 repetitions per set as part of your strength training workout routine. 

Perform wall push ups standing with your feet hip distance apart.  Stand 2 feet away from a secure wall with your hands placed at shoulder level on the wall. Lean forward then push back to the standing position for each pushup. Perform 10-20 repetitions per set 3 times per week.  Wall pushups are generally easier to perform compared to traditional push ups performed on matt yielding the same results.

Squats are a strength training exercise that trains the lower hips from a standing position. Squats are considered a vital exercise that increases the strength and size of the lower body muscles and core strength.  The movement begins in a standing position then moving the hips back while bending at the knees as if you are sitting halfway down then stand straight. Perform 15-20 squat repetitions per set 3 times per week as part of strength training exercises. Intensify the exercise by holding 5- 10 pound hand weights in each hand adding more resistance with each squat.

People use Strength training to increase energy and improve muscular symmetry as part of their regular fitness routine.  Workout using hand weights suited to your fitness level from 1Lb to 10Lb or more define core abdomen, arms, legs, hips, thighs while losing weight effectively. Perform biceps curls, tricep extensions, shoulder press, abdominal crunch, squats, lunges, side lunge, side-lying leg raise for hips, glute bridge performing 20-30 repetitions for each exercise 3-4 times per week to tone the entire body.

Yoga benefits the entire body, reduces stress, relaxes the body-mind while strengthening muscles, gaining flexibility, and burning off body fat for managing weight successfully. Dynamic yoga exercises you can use to improve your workout routine helping you lose weight. Practice yoga workout tones your entire body using progressive yoga stretches designed to Boost metabolism and burn off body fat. Strength training with yoga is an effective form of exercise used by people of all ages to build lean muscles while losing body fat.


Patricia Lynn


About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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