Binge Eating Overindulgence In Excess


Avoiding Overindulgence 

Overindulgence often leads to eating disorders of abnormal eating patterns Bulimia nervosa is categorized by binge eating followed by attempts to compensate for the binge such as self induced vomiting or excess use of laxatives, and diuretics.  In some cases binge eating is followed by excessive exercise or fasting.  Episodes of binge eating typically occur twice a week upward to over a period that may last three months of a repetition cycle that leads to serious medical conditions including severe dehydration and severe loss of water from the body. Bulimia nervosa is one of two main classifications as an eating disorder. The other is Anorexia nervosa is categorized by extreme dieting a refusal to maintain normal body weight resulting in education of the state of being abnormally physically weak.

Both illnesses are accompanied by a characteristic of unhealthy weight control methods flowed by an intense fear of gaining weight. Approximately 85 to 90 percent of people diagnosed with Bulimia nervosa are women estimated 1-3 percent living in the United States. The recommendation of Binge eating diagnosis was due to a large part of a dramatic increase of cases in the 1870s through 11990s. Experts attribute the increase of eating disorders to the intense focus on media thinness as ideal for women as more healthcare professionals recognize the seriousness of the condition.  Recurring overindulgence leading to Bulimia nervosa usually begins in adolescents into adulthood due to factors that contribute to the disorder may be attributed to poor dietary habits, genetics, chronic dieting, lack of awareness of internal feelings of hunger and emotions leading to overeating episodes, a family disturbance of eating disturbances or body image complaints with tendencies towards negative self judgments.

Emotional disorders are often accompanied by Bulimia nervosa including substance abuse, depression, and certain personality disorders often coexist however it is not clear if the illness is a precursor to the illness. Cognitive behavioral therapy is often used to treat the disorder as a widely researched effective treatment for Bulimia nervosa.  Treatment for cognitive behavioral therapy involves addressing dysfunctional eating patterns combined with nutritional education including normalization of healthy eating patterns.  Rare overindulgence episodes at a holiday party seen as a social gathering is accepted among peers is not the end of the world. Taking a break now and then to enjoy may motivate people of all ages to start healthy eating patterns the next day knowing the importance of eating well balanced meals. Overindulgence that leads to Bulimia nervosa and Anorexia nervosa may be prevented by following a diet plan suited to your specific needs.

Anorexia nervosa is categorized by the refusal of an emaciated individual to maintain a normal body weight that typically weighs more than 85 percent of a person’s expected body weight for a person’s gender, age, and height in some cases much less. People with Anorexia nervosa experience a distorted evaluation of their own weight and body shape typically considering their emaciated low body weight to be attractive and a little too fat. Discovering new ways to manage body weight using a healthy diet combined with regular exercise is usually preferred among adults who are dedicated to living well and avoiding overindulgence.

Serotonin is a key hormone regulating numerous biological processes regulating mood and stimulating feelings of wellbeing that may keep you from overindulging. It impacts the entire body enabling brain cells to communicate with the nervous system and helps to stabilize eating, digesting, and sleeping patterns. Serotonin also referred to as 5-hydroxytryptamine functions as an important chemical and neurotransmitter in the human body known to regulate appetite, digestion, mood, sleep, and social behaviors  Occurring throughout the body Serotonin appears to influence a range of psychological and physical functions. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that can affect mood and plays a key role in regulating many functions in the body wound healing, bone health, and blood clotting help reduce appetite and enables overindulgence.

Eating foods that contain the essential amino acid tryptophan can help the body produce serotonin naturally increasing feelings of happiness. Serotonin activates neurons to curb appetite and keep you from overindulging too much. helping control body weight known as a natural appetite suppressant that makes you feel satisfied even when your stomach is not full. Vitamin D is crucial for optimal health and is especially important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus to promote immune system function. There is proof that vitamin D receptors exist in the brain and that the active form of vitamin D stimulates the production of mood-elivating serotonin.

This explains how it may help reduce depression and chronically foul mood. Leptin is a hormone predominately made in the adipose fat cells and electrolytes in the small intestine regulating energy balance and inhibiting hunger cravings which lesions fat storage in adipocytes storage of fat. The Leptin hormone’s primary function is the regulation of adipose tissues body fat and loose connective tissue mass through the hypothalamus in the brain affecting hunger and other biological effects including energy balance.  Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells of your body that signals your brain to stop eating avoiding overindulgence due to feelings of fullness controlling appetite and stimulating satiety and feeling of satisfaction. Studies suggest a diet high in processed foods often includes elevated levels of sugar, sodium, and trans fats can increase the appetite leading to overindulgence.

Dietary approaches for appetite control are usually effectively increasing whole foods and protein consumption and prove to be effective in natural appetite control.  Nutrients from vitamins can be absorbed by our bodies by eating a sensible diet however many people fail to get adequate amounts of nutrition,  Vitamin d can be synthesized in the human skin 7-Dehydrocholesterol converts into cholecalciferol as vitamin d3 as a result of mild sun exposure. Vitamin D plays a significant role in calcium homeostasis including metabolism facilitating healthy growth and remodeling of bone.  Soak up a daily dose of sunshine in short durations 15 -30 minutes of sun exposure to maintain healthy blood levels of vitamin D naturally regulates mood and wards off depression and may help reduce overindulgence.

Starting a new diet and establishing new lifestyle habits by selecting nutritious foods low in calories that are satisfying to eat will help you lose weight fast while avoiding overindulgence. Millions of Americans pledge to create a new standard of living by embracing dieting with enthusiasm intended to reach optimal weight. Obesity is a serious medical condition in the United States affecting 1 in 3 adults, the epidemic affecting 500 million people or more worldwide in 2023. Dietary guidelines for Americans is to consume at least 2 servings of fruit per day and two and a half cups of vegetables per day. Eating a wide variety of fresh vegetables provides the body with dietary nutrition high in phytochemical compounds produced in plants to benefit good health. Gaining weight may be attributed to several factors including overindulgence of eating a diet high in calories and lacking dietary nutrition

Most people gain weight because they consume more calories than they burn off through daily activities. Calorie calculators can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day based on several equations to determine simple guidelines for losing weight following a new diet plan.


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash

About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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