Carbohydrates Essentials Well Balanced Eating 


Carbohydrates Boost Energy

Carbohydrates in common foods consist of the fiber, starches, and sugars found in milk, fruits, vegetables, grains consumed in moderation may be beneficial micronutrients. Carbohydrates are central to nutrition found in a wide variety of natural and processed foods. The type of carbs you eat has a direct effect on your blood sugar levels used as energy or stored as fat. Consuming healthy carbohydrates will increase physical energy levels while reducing body fat.  Eating complex carbohydrates is beneficial for losing weight when consumed in moderation. Lower amounts of carbohydrates associated with unrefined foods closest to natural form including 100% whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. The glycemic index classifies carbohydrates containing foods according to the potential rise in blood sugar levels. 

Refined grains including white flour and white rice has been processed removing many nutrients and fiber.  Eating a well-balanced diet is essential for gaining or losing weight counting calories as part of managing health.  Feel satisfied for longer periods of time eating a well balanced diet packed with nutritious whole foods including, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables for weight control options. Not all carbs are created equal as carbohydrates are either referred to as simple or complex depending on the chemical structure of the food and how quickly it is digested and absorbed in the body. As the sugar levels increase in the body the pancreas releases insulin.  When consumed carbohydrates break down into simple sugars which are absorbed into the bloodstream. 

Insulin is needed to move sugar from the blood into cells where the sugar can be converted into energy. Unrefined whole grains retain nutritional value rich in fiber good for digestion processes. Simple carbohydrates including refined sugar, high fructose are digested quickly circulate immediate bursts of glucose into the bloodstream provide empty calories that lack nutritional value. Sugar detox to improve your waistline eliminating specific foods known to cause obesity. Along with fats and proteins carbs are one of three main nutrients commonly found in foods and beverages.  The type of carbs you eat have a direct effect on your blood sugar levels to be used as energy or stored as fat. 

People who eat desserts feel a rush of energy after eating sweets typically followed by fatigue-depleted energy levels leading to exhaustion. Carbohydrates provide a person with physical energy.  People can obtain energy from other food sources containing healthy fats and lean protein. Unrefined carbohydrates is the body’s preferred choice. Dietary simple sugars are not all alike containing nutrition the body uses converting food into energy.   The type of carbohydrates you eat makes a difference in how your body digests food boosting energy or stored as unwanted body fat. 

Processed foods containing high amounts or refined sweeteners especially high fructose raise triglyceride levels may increase the risk of heart disease, stroke or diabetes. Metabolic health measured by triglyceride levels referred to as blood fats. The Mayo Clinic, high triglyceride levels often increase the risk of obesity metabolic syndrome health conditions that lead to abdominal fat around the waist, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and irregular cholesterol levels. Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly to release a steady supply of glucose into the bloodstream. Weight loss diets on the glycemic index usually recommend limiting foods high on the glycemic index including less healthy options such as snack foods and desserts containing refined flours.

Carbohydrate recommendations are different for each person because each person is physically unique and may require different dietary needs.  Typically most men need 4-5 servings 60-75 grams of carbs per meal and women usually require 3-4 servings of carbs 45-60 grams per meal however these amounts depend on several factors including a person’s weight, age, activity level, medications, and diabetes. It is important to work with dictation to assess your carbohydrate goals to stay healthy longer.  Many healthy food options including whole grains, fruit, vegetables, legumes, and low-fat dairy products are naturally lower on the glycemic index. Unrefined carbohydrates are vital to your health it is your bodies main fuel source.

Complex carbohydrates contain more fiber aid in slow digestion and provide more nutritional value the body can use to boost energy levels naturally.  Eating complex carbohydrates is beneficial for losing weight when consumed in moderation.  Feel satisfied for longer periods of time eating a well balanced diet packed with nutritious foods including, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables for weight control options.  


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Sonny Mauricio on Unsplash

About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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