Cardio Exercise Make It Fun


Aerobic Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise also referred to as aerobic physical activity can be performed at low or high-intensity levels conditions the body strengthening physical fitness.  Aerobic exercises are generally low to moderate in intensity activities that can boost the metabolism to burn off body fat even when your workout is complete. The CDC Center for Disease Control indicates regular physical activity can greatly improve health and may reduce the risks associated with chronic disease. Half of Americans living in the United States 117 million adults have one or more preventable chronic diseases including 80 percent of individuals failing to meet key cardio exercise guidelines for building muscle strength for physical endurance and aerobic activities. Individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle lacking regular physical activities have generated an estimated 117 billion in annual health care costs leading to 10 percent premature deaths. Regular cardio exercise can greatly improve a person’s health reducing the risks of developing chronic diseases.

Cycling is a fantastic cardio exercise sports enthusiasts enjoy as they hit the trails for socially originated fun outside increasing physical activity.  The number of people engaging in cycling in the United States has increased in the past three years from 43 million cyclists to 47.5 million in 2017. Bicycles were introduced to the public in the early 19 century and have grown to approximately 1 billion worldwide. Cycling was a  principal means of transportation in many parts of the world providing benefits that lead to less cost.  Americans cycled on a regular basis for transportation or for recreational activities find the sports exertion known as a popular pursuit. Today cycling has grown exponentially as a popular sport among people of all ages who want to engage in more vigorous activities to manage weight while having fun outdoors.

Physical Activity Guidelines report issued in 2018 issued found the relationship between physical activity and health over a 10 year period provided evidence of greater health benefits including improved flexibility in people who exercise on a regular basis.  Health benefits of cardio exercise based on scientific research found a reduced weight gain and lower risk of heart disease.  Regular physical activity promotes better sleep patterns allowing the body to regulate hormones while rejuvenating the mind and body.  Hormones released while sleeping help regulate the appetite helping you stay on track with healthy eating.  Cardio exercise outdoors to increase physical fitness while enjoying the scenery any time of year, weather permitting.  It is well known that fitness activity promotes mental and physical health. Exposure to nature absorbing natural sunlight increases vitamin d uptake reduces stress proven to be beneficial to people of all ages while toning the entire body.

Sports enthusiasts enjoy alternating cardio exercises to progress cardio conditioning challenging the body to reach higher levels of endurance to maximize their results. Physical activities can take place outdoors in the wilderness or park connecting with mother nature enhancing a sense of wellbeing. The Department of Health and Human Services, it has issued recommendations for exercise guidelines for Adults.  Get at least a minimum of 150 minutes of cardio exercise moderate aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week. What is generally called aerobic exercise also termed cardio exercise refers to any physical exercise intense enough to enable carbohydrates to turn into energy in the body.  Among health benefits of regular cardio exercise include improving mental health by reducing stress, lowering the incidence of depression, and reducing resting heart rate known as aerobic conditioning. 

Exercise strategies boost physical performance conditioning the heart and lungs to work more efficiently. Increase aerobic intensity to boost metabolism as physical fitness progressing the intensity of your cardio exercise walking 3mph. Performing cardio exercise at your own pace low or high-intensity levels helps people of all ages stay active. The Health benefits of regular cardio exercise include improving mental health, reducing stress, lowering the incidence of depression, and reducing resting heart rate known as aerobic conditioning. Walking once per day for 30-60 minutes can improve blood circulation efficiency, reduce blood pressure and increase the total number of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Regular cardio exercise enlarges the heart muscle resulting in strengthening to improve pumping efficiency increasing physical endurance. High impact cardio activity including walking, jogging or jumping rope stimulates bone growth helping to reduce osteoporosis in men and women.  In addition to enormous health benefits, regular cardio exercise is known to promote physical endurance it improves the ability of muscles to use fats while exercising Walking once per day for 30-60 minutes burn fat walking or jogging 10,000 steps per day has become the standard recommendation for optimal health benefits. 

A leisurely hike can burn off 300-600 calories per hour depending on a person’s weight and terrain of choice including cross country, steep uphill climbs or downhill trails.  A person who weighs 150 pounds hiking at 2.5 miles per hour at a brisk pace for 60 minutes with no backpack will burn off approximately 351 calories.  In comparison, the same person carrying a backpack weighing 20 pounds hiking for 60 minutes at an increased speed of 3 mph will burn off 464 calories at a 4 percent incline exercise outdoors. Exercising outdoors walking at a brisk pace can help manage weight while improving conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, and lower cholesterol.  Exercise has become popular in recent years as 42.13 million people in the United States participated in hiking in the great outdoors between 2006-2017. Hiking outdoors is usually physically more demanding on the body depending on the terrain and length of time performing the activity.  Hiking uphill burns off 5 times more calories compared to walking on flat areas. 

Cardio equipment is nice to have available for any home gym is especially beneficial for anyone who wants to have a private space to workout in.  Sports equipment can be set to customize any cardio exercise suited to your fitness level. Elliptical machines are often used as aerobic workout customize settings of duration and intensity of your stride. Exercise at your own pace on an elliptical machine walking, running, or getting a HITT high-intensity interval training session to boost your workout. Aerobic conditioning is essential for increasing your heart rate maximizing the oxygen levels in your blood ultimately helps the body utilize oxygen more efficiently while maintaining optimal weight. Elliptical machines surpass most other pieces of exercise equipment due to their ease of use and function. It is easy on the joints to tone your entire body using interval elliptical workout sessions.

Stride at your own pace working out on your own fitness level to increase cardiovascular fitness, and increase muscular endurance. It is important to warm up muscles before workout exercises are performed to oxygenate muscles in preparation for physical activity. Walking in place, swinging arms back and forth for 20 repetitions or walking for 5 minutes improves blood flow in preparation for working out is beneficial for any cardio exercise. Types of cardio equipment vary in specifications like a stationary bike, rowing machine, and treadmill may provide the perfect solution for home gym atmosphere. Cardio equipment can be purchased at any local sports retailer near you. 


Patricia Lynn


About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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