Low Carb Diet Approach


Satisfy Low Carb Cravings

Low carb diet plan is one that limits carbohydrates primarily found in sweets, pasta and bread. Instead of eating carbs you focus on consuming lean proteins, vegetables and whole food options. These types of diets have been used for decades and recommended by many doctors for people who want to manage their weight.  The best part is there’s no need to use special products or counting calories for the foods you eat.  Consuming a balanced diet packed full of nutritious food options can provide the body with vitamins, minerals and proteins essential for life.  Low carb approaches stem primarily from the theory of lower insulin to lose weight using low calorie dietary foods. Insulin is a hormone that can have an effect on the endocrine system regulating blood sugar glucose levels in the body. 

Eating causes blood sugar to rise due to the breakdown of carbohydrates in your food as insulin acts as a key allowing glucose to enter cells throughout the body.  It facilitates the absorption of glucose by cells reducing sugar in the bloodstream.  After eating a meal your pancreas releases insulin to help your body convert glucose into energy essential for fuel in the body both for aerobic and anaerobic function. Glucose comes from the Greek word sweet.  It is a type of sugar you get from foods you eat that your body uses for physical energy.  It travels through your bloodstream through your cells.  It is called blood glucose or blood sugar.  Insulin is a hormone that moves glucose from your blood into your cells for energy and storage.  Without insulin your body would struggle to function properly and may lead to symptoms of diabetes, low sugar levels.  A low carb diet offers several health benefits reducing the appetite lowering caloric intake while reducing body fat. 

Satiety is the physical and psychological satisfaction that one acquires from consuming certain foods or beverages.  Satiety may be immediate such as thirst quenching or it may be sustained for a few hours between meals such as a feeling of fullness.  Much of this depends on the nutrients in the food and or beverages. says Science Direct. Studies consistently indicate when people cut carbs and consume more lean proteins like beef, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats they end up eating fewer calories.  Low carb eating automatically leads to a reduction in appetite leading to rapid weight loss improving health overall when combined with balanced eating habits and regular exercise regimen a systematic plan of action designed to improve personal health.

Carbohydrates healthy eating fuels your energy having several health benefits improved brain function, learning capabilities, supports heart health and aides in weight loss. One hypothesis supporting why low carb approaches produce rapid weight loss compared with other diets is that fats and proteins increase satiety and produce concomitant hypoglycemia. The increase in satiety and less rebound hypoglycemia reduces hunger overall food intake producing a calorie deficit. Another hypothesis contends that a low carb diet can produce higher metabolic burn than high carb diets.” says NIH National Library of medicine. Low carb approaches primarily function as lowering insulin, a critical hormone that produces an anabolic fat storing state improving cardiometabolic function and induces weight loss.  Low carb diet satisfies your cravings eating whole foods packed with nutrition.


Patricia Lynn

Photo by Jennifer Schmidt on Unsplash


About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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