Preserving Food Options Essentials


Simple Ways Of Preserving Food

Preserving food is a common practice among people worldwide provides a wide variety of staple items stored in the pantry of the freezer for later use. The National Center for Home Food Preservation states that canning was pioneered in the 1790s by Frenchman Nicolas Appert who discovered the application of heating food in sealed glass bottles preserved food from spoilage. Today preserving food for later use is an important part of everyday living as people perfect the canning process using modern day mason jars with seals and fitted lids. Canning food has tremendous benefits keeping food safe preserving the nutritional value of the item often reduces food waste. Preserve seasonal flavors making sugar free jams and jellies, chutneys, and pickles relish sealed properly in airtight containers to preserve freshness.  People are going back to basics preserving food in larger quantities using simple techniques any home cook can master. Preserving your own food is a balance between art and science that encourages healthy eating reconnecting with what’s important at home.

The water bath canning method of food preservation is a simple method used for high acid or acidulated foods from fruits to pickles. Preserving food for future use has tremendous benefits using one of many methods to stock a food pantry with pantry essentials needed to prepare nutritious meals.  Preserving foods for personal satisfaction reaping the rewards of a seasonal harvest. Preserving foods with the addition of dried herbs and seasonings adds depth of flavors to any dish enhance cooking delicious meals.  Pressure canning opens the door to a whole new method of food preservation yielding a wide variety of nutritious foods options.

People often preserve food in the event of an emergency or illness preparing foods in advance stocking the freezer with essentials that are easy to thaw and prepare quick meals.  Canning has been used for decades in an effort to preserve foods for nutritional support.  Studies suggest the canning process may reduce heat-sensitive nutrients vitamin C in fruits and it has its advantages. Ball canning supplies can be found in most retailers including mason jars with lids, labels, and other canning supplies. The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving by Judy Kingry and Lauren Divine best seller has broadly updated to reflect changes with new recipes and a new section on low sugar and fermentation preserving food methods. Create the best canned james pickled and preserved recipes, a balance of classic and new combinations created to inspire healthy eating habits refreshing to the modern-day palette. The Ball preserving starter kit is the all in one solution for first-time canners including step-by-step instructions, 4 half-pint jars, preserving rack, and real fruit classic pecten, jar lifter, headspace/bubble removal tool, and a jar funnel for the canning enthusiast. 

Fermented foods are produced or preserved by the action of microorganisms the process of converting carbohydrates to organic acids using microorganisms yeast or bacteria such as lactobacillus in making popular foods including yogurt and sauerkraut.  The science of fermentation is referred to as zymology the biochemical process of fermentation converting sugar such as glucose into cellular energy.  Practical uses in creating fermented foods include selecting fermenting yeasts and bacteria species for making wine, brewing, fermented milk, and many other fermented foods.  Consuming fermented foods through dietary sources has proven to boost immunity and good gut bacteria improving digestion and help maintain healthy weight enhancing nutrient content of vitamins in minerals from food sources. Preserving foods that have been fermented enrich the diet through the development of enriching flavors in recipies including kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha, and yogurt. Fermented foods may reduce heart disease, aid in digestion, and reduce body weight.

Dehydration is an ancient preserving method that uses dry air to remove moisture from food using an oven or professional dehydrator device. Dehydrate fruits and vegetables in a preheated 200 degrees F or lower temperature.  Slice fruit and vegetables ¼ inch thick placing the slices on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper in a single layer. Place the sheet pan in the oven for 6-8 hours until the food reaches desired dehydration.  Store dehydrated foods in airtight containers in a cool, dry dark location labeled with continents and date to ensure freshness. Freezing food is the easiest method of preserving that may provide you with a variety of nutritious foods to choose from selecting seasonal ingredients year round. Stock freezers with meats, vegetables, and fruits sealing contents in freezer ziplock bags or use vacuum seal food bags as a relatively inexpensive method to preserve food without freezer burn sealing in flavors. Freeze drying machines are available online vary in price and features for preserving food at home. 

6 Ways Preserving Food

  • Canning
  • Dehydration/drying
  • Freezing
  • Freeze drying
  • Pickling
  • Fermentation

Preserving Food Nutrition

Preserving food of our own has its advantages returning to traditional methods preserving seasonal cuisine for future consumption may be motivated out of necessity.  According to the National Center for home food preservation, pressure canning is the only recommended method for canning poultry, meat,  vegetables, seafood, and fruit to avoid botulinum bacteria from forming.  Ensuring safety is crucial when preserving nutritious foods following safety guidelines when creating delicious canned foods for future meal preparation. Long term storage of fresh produce can last 12 months without needing a refrigerator or freezer using the canning method to preserve food for later use.  Canning provides a cheap convenient option for preserving food for long term storage sealing it in an airtight container.  Chemical preservatives are really required because the food is in a sealed container and a variety of methods are used to prevent food spoilage including freezing, drying, and heating. Save money buying seasonal produce in bulk preserves home canned foods without artificial ingredients, BPA, and artificial preservatives.

Cherry Preserves Sugar Free Recipe

Sugar free Cherry preserves can be used to complement many recipes used in yogurt, dressings, or toppings. Jam is made from chopped pureed fruit rather than fruit juice slowly cooked down rendering the fruit briefly cooked on the stovetop combined with fruit pectin, sugar substitute until desired consistency is achieved. 

4 pounds Cherries, pitted, skin on, diced

¾ cup Cherry juice

1 tablespoon pure peach extract

1 (1.75) ounce package Sure Jell pectin 

¼ cup Splenda sugar substitute

½ tablespoon lemon juice freshly squeezed


Combine pitted cherries, cherry juice, pure cherry extract, Sure-Jell pectin in an 8-inch saucepot. Gradually heat the ingredients to a boil while stirring to dissolve the pectin cooking the fruit for one minute to thicken.  Remove from the heat. 

Add Splenda sugar substitute, lemon juice to the preserves stirring to combine ingredients. Ladle preserves into prepared sterilized mason jars filling to ⅛ of an inch from the top rim.  Wipe the threads and rim of the jar with a clean towel. Cover the jars with lids and rings. Screw the bands tightly to seal. Place the jars on an elevated rack inside a 21.5-quart canning pot.  Cover the sealed jars with water.  Bring the water to a simmer cooking for 10 minutes.  Remove the jars from the water using a jar lifter tong.  Place the jars on a kitchen towel to cool completely for 2-3 hours.  Check the seal pressing the middle of the lid with your finger to see if the lid springs back. When canning follows safety procedures guidelines to ensure best results. Peach preserves can be used in many recipes, topped on low-fat yogurt, added to dressings or used a condiment eaten throughout the year. Grilled chicken topped with sugar-free cherry jam is especially delicious paired with a grilled asparagus side dish.


Patricia Lynn


About Patricia Lynn 183 Articles
3 Week Diet Solutions is a comprehensive blog dedicated to weight loss using the latest health information available. Discover how to lose weight safely and effectively making small lifestyle changes in your diet eating delicious foods that are are both satisfying and nutritious. Learn how to increase physical activity to boost your metabolism, build lean muscle while burning off calories.

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